I tried everything in my power to make this work and I even told him I love him

I tried everything in my power to make this work and I even told him I love him

We ended having sex that night

Hey, I am going through a tuff situation with my partner. We were together for 8 months. When we broke up I was needy and despreate but then I stop contacting him. Now, we are talking again. At the moment he sends me mix messages. He wouldn’t text lГ¤sa detta inlГ¤gg hГ¤r me first but when I do he replies right away; however, I didn’t text him yesterday understanding why he is mad and I am willing to give him time and space to make things work but he haven’t text me back. I believe he’s still hurt and confuse. I want to follow the no contact rule again but this time not reply back. If he contacts me and I ignore it, when should be the best time to call or text him again? Keep in mind it was a very bad break up, I wouldn’t want him to feel like I don’t care or if I’m doing something. I wouldn’t want him to give me the same treatment if I decide to contact him the next day. Continue reading “I tried everything in my power to make this work and I even told him I love him”